National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)
The purpose of the National Pan-Hellenic Council at NC State shall be to create and maintain high standards in the life of fraternities and sororities; to perpetuate constructive fraternity and sorority relationships; to foster an understanding of the structure and method operation among the affiliate organizations; and to address, coordinate, and develop action strategies on matters of mutual concern to affiliate organizations.
The emphasis of the National Pan-Hellenic Council at NC State chapter shall be to contribute to the political, spiritual, social, economic, and cultural life on the campus of North Carolina State University and the surrounding are through the presentation of programs and to give aggressive support to the upward mobility of the students on the campus and the youth of the community.
Executive Board Officers
- President: Nayah McKenzie
- Vice President: Dejah Headen
- Parliamentarian: Iileyah Braxton
- Director of Communication: Kaleb Hall
- Treasurer: Lexus Silver
- Community Service Chair: Mariah Simmons
- Co-Special Events Chair: Elyah Best
- Co-Special Events Chair: Ryan Bolton
- Academic Chair: Ava Butler
- Advisor: Caylin Allen