The Greek Village Master Plan (pdf) calls for a phased redevelopment of the current housing area into a vibrant neighborhood at the heart of the NC State campus. The plan, originally designed by Sam Reynolds of Reynolds & Jewell Architects in 2006, was refined slightly by Stewart Engineering in spring 2014, and again, more significantly in fall 2020, but maintains all the core elements set forth by the Greek Court Redevelopment Task Force. The Village will contain 21 lots for individual chapter houses, two townhouse units, an apartment building, a community center, amphitheater, outdoor shelters, and other attractive amenities. Greek Village will be developed in five phases beginning in 2008 with a target completion date of 2030.
Phasing Details (updated Fall 2023)
PHASE 1: 2008 – 2017
- Chapters begin construction September 2011
- Kappa Delta opened fall 2012 and Sigma Nu opened in spring 2014. Delta Gamma was completed and opened Fall 2016. Sigma Phi Epsilon opened in fall of 2018.
PHASE 2: 2013 – 2019
- Earnest money and Greek Village Letter of Commitments received from Lambda Chi Alpha for Lot 20 and Delta Zeta for Lot 19.
- Demolition of Pi Kappa Phi house completed June 2014. Demolition of Phi Gamma Delta summer 2015.
- Infrastructure work began January 2016.
- Chapters begin construction spring 2017.
- Delta Zeta opened in fall 2018 and Lambda Chi Alpha opened in the fall of 2019.
PHASE 3: 2018 – 2021
- Earnest money and Greek Village Letter of Commitments received from Alpha Delta Pi for Lot 8, Sigma Kappa for Lot 9, Zeta Tau Alpha for Lot 10 and Kappa Alpha Theta for Lot 11.
- Phase 3 was updated in 2014 to include Lot 11. The phase image has not been updated.
- Demolition of House 11, House 12 and House 1 began in May 2018.
- Infrastructure work began January 2018 and concluded in September 2019.
- Chapters begin construction Summer 2019.
- Kappa Alpha Theta opening in the fall of 2020. Sigma Kappa and Zeta Tau Alpha opened in the spring of 2021. Alpha Delta Pi opened in fall 2021.
PHASE 4: 2021 – 2024
- In the original master plan, seven lots were to be developed as a part of Phase 4. With the update, Phase 4 now has five lots and is located in a different area. Selections are ongoing among the original seven groups. Pi Kappa Phi has selected lot 5, Pi Beta Phi lot 6, and conversations are ongoing with Chi Omega, Kappa Kappa Gamma. Kappa Sigma, Kappa Alpha Order and Alpha Xi Delta have indicated their interest in deferring to Phase 5 as neither has an active chapter on campus. Phi Kappa Tau and Sigma Alpha Mu have both submitted LOC for Phase 4.
- Demolition of the old entomology labs, House 7, and the Duplex (Houses 13/14) began in February 2021. House 8 was demolished in June 2021.
- Infrastructure work began February 2021.
- Chapters begin construction as early as fall of 2024.
- Houses open spring 2026 – Fall 2027.
- University-owned apartments and townhouses opened in August 2023.
PHASE 5: 2026 – 2030
- A total of six lots will be available (12-14 and 16-18 as shown on the master plan). Lot selection must be redone as the master plan was updated. Groups will include Alpha Xi Delta, Chi Psi, Pi Kappa Alpha, Kappa Alpha and Kappa Sigma. The updated master plan added additional lots beyond the original design, so there are two future lots for development for interested groups.
- Demolition of Houses 2, 3, 4 and impacted university buildings no earlier than May 2028.
- Infrastructure work to begin June 2028.
- Chapters begin construction Summer 2029.
- Houses open Fall 2030.
Common Amenities:
- To be completed as fundraising goals are met or partner funds are provided.