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This section includes Grade and Membership Reports for our community going back to the Spring 2001 semester. 

Each report includes the cumulative Chapter GPA, Initiated Member GPA, and New Member Class GPA as well as membership statistics for each individual fraternity or sorority. The reports also include comparative campus academic averages such as the all-men’s and all-women’s averages, all-fraternity and all-sorority averages, and comparisons by Council.

Spring 2024 (pdf)
Fall 2023(pdf)Spring 2023 (pdf)
Fall 2022 (pdf)Spring 2022 (pdf)
Fall 2021 (pdf)Spring 2021 (pdf)
Fall 2020 (pdf)Spring 2020 (pdf)
Fall 2019 (pdf)Spring 2019 (pdf)
Fall 2018 (pdf)Spring 2018 (pdf)
Fall 2017 (pdf)Spring 2017 (pdf)
Fall 2016 (pdf)Spring 2016 (pdf)
Fall 2015 (pdf)Spring 2015 (pdf)
Fall 2014 (pdf)Spring 2014 (pdf)
Fall 2013 (pdf)Spring 2013 (pdf)
Fall 2012 (pdf)Spring 2012 (pdf)
Fall 2011 (pdf)Spring 2011 (pdf)
Fall 2010 (pdf)Spring 2010 (pdf)
Fall 2009 (pdf)Spring 2009 (pdf)
Fall 2008 (pdf)Spring 2008 (pdf)
Fall 2007 (pdf)Spring 2007 (pdf)
Fall 2006 (pdf)Spring 2006 (pdf)
Fall 2005 (pdf)Spring 2005 (pdf)
Fall 2004 (pdf)Spring 2004 (pdf)
Fall 2003 (pdf)Spring 2003 (pdf)
Fall 2002 (pdf)Spring 2002 (pdf)
Fall 2001 (pdf)

Standards Program Report

This section includes our Annual Community Report for the Standards Program for Fraternities and Sororities that shows how each individual organization performed in that academic year. The Standards Program (link to new Standards Program page) measures chapter performance in ten different programmatic areas.